Mobility Meeting Slovenia-Litija

Main idea of the mobility meeting in Osnova šola: All Children have the right to be safe, strong and free. We can only agree with the statement.

The country of similiar name as our country, of similiar language, of similiar friendly, helpful, not easy but positive way in lifestyle. Very clear words for characterizing Litija, the town of our mobility meeting in Slovenia
 on 10th- 16th March, 2019 
There were 3 teachers of the Hotel Academy, Žilina, Slovakia
(Ing. Dana Stredáková, PhD., Ing Ľuboslava Ťažká, Mgr. Kvetoslava Ďurianová),
who have visited this school and its other parts in a near location of Litija. Our mobility meeting was full of work, discussions, visits, presentations, fun, travelling and positive energy. All of us were feeling a familiar atmosphere and strong empathy and love to activities with students and teachers.                  

